Sunday, October 9, 2022

8 chemistry spells

These need some work-shopping but here they are

chemistry spells can only affect substances that aren’t biological, oil has been altered enough to be considered non organic


You lower the temperature of combustion of a flammable object causing it to ignite in flames. Anything that oxidizes is can be consider flammable.

Phase shift:

You cause target substance you touch to become a solid a liquid, a gas or a plasma. Its temperature remains unaltered.


Target substance or object sheds its water and becomes dry. You can use this to extract water moisture from the air.

Alter viscosity:

Cause a fluid to become temporarily more viscous making it honey like, or less viscous making it air like. Does not affect buoyancy. This will screw with birds but not balloons.

Thermal alteration:

Heat or cool an object or substance, contact with the substance can cause 1d6 fire or cold damage respectively. Alternatively you can maintain a specific temperature even as it is heated or cooled by its environment. Counts as magical substance for as long as temperature change is prevented.

Shunt matter:

Shift an area of a material you designate,  made of the same substance in the same phase state, of a size up to a cubic metre. So if you choose liquid water you can move liquid water but not liquid oil and not solid water (ice).

Alter pH:

Cause a substance to become acidic, neutral or alkaline. Acidic substances deal 1d4 acid damage on contact, 1d4 alkaline substance deal alkaline damage on contact.


You cause a substance or object to become hydrophobic, repelling water mud and other wet things.

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