Sunday, October 9, 2022

11 Physics spells

These likely need some work-shopping but here they are


Laser beam:
Shoots a high intensity white laser beam in a straight line that deals 1d4 fire damage to everything in its path. Mirrors or well shined armour reflects the laser as the DM deems fit. Passing through different transparent substances causes the different wavelengths to refract and almost certainly become harmless.

Alter coefficient of friction:
You alter the coefficient of friction over a surface. You can decrease it making the surface incredibly slippery like meticulously polished ice or incredibly grippy like sandpaper.

You fold the space neatly between two points and poke a hole in it. Enter one and you leave the other with no loss of speed or energy. There is a chance that a demon will crawl out from the space between spaces though so be careful of that. The portal rims crackle as lightning.

Redirect gravity:
You change the direction gravity acts upon an object or creature, you can cause it to fall upwards or sideways. This is how magic brooms work, constantly falling in the preferred direction. You must always be falling in some direction and can not alter the intensity of gravity, only the direction. 

Crack space:
You crack space causing what the peasants call lightning, whatever is on the other side is very hot and very bright, being hit by lightning causes 2d6 fire damage. The cracking is imprecise but favours moving towards metals and solids, there is a good chance your allies will get hurt by accident. Space is adverse to crack upon the same lines and as a result lightning seldom strikes the same place twice. Also demons may sometimes crawl out of the cracks, be careful of that.

Mould space:
You can compress or expand space along as many as 3 directional axis, you would be able to do more axis if you could find them. you could cause a 40 foot long 20 foot wide rectangle of space you can see within 30 feet  to compress into a 20 foot long 20 foot wide square. You could cause a 10 by 10 foot square to expand into a 20 foot by 20 foot square. (neither example used the z axis but you can)

Pocket dimension:
You open up a portal to a pocket dimension that exists parallel to normal space along an arbitrary 4th spatial axis. The pocket dimension is vanta black in every direction, it is large enough to fit four people comfortably or six people uncomfortably. When you open it there is a chance there is a demon inside.

Maintain velocity:
You cause a moving object or objects you touch to maintain its velocity until you release the spell or the object is destroyed. Alternatively by touching a non moving object you can cause it to become immovable until you release the spell or the object is destroyed. you can maintain the velocity of no more than 5 kg worth of objects and the must all be traveling in the same direction at the same speed.

Magnetic telekinesis:
You can telekinetically control magnetic substances such as iron nickel and cobalt. Pushing them puling them or moving them left or right, up or down. Fine control is very difficult though possible, this is a possible way to do lock-picking. 

Temporal displacement:
Cause an object or creature to jump forward in time. It disappears and reappears in the same spot after a given amount of time. Anything positioned where the object or creature was is forcefully displaced often in the form of a miniature explosion.

Temporal adjustment:
You cause an object or creature to move through time faster or slower. If it moves through time slower it can only make a move xor an attack, its movement is halved. If it moves through time quicker it gains a second turn after its turn.
Force field:
A field of magical force surrounds a target, nothing gets in not even air, although things within the forcefield can get out

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