Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Glog chemistry wizard

Ok so here’s the second one. The chemistry wizard. I feel like it would be quite suitable for a magical craftsman, and I’m tempted to write up some magical items and structures such a wizard might create.



A portable chemistry set with retorts, racks and a very nice Bunsen burner. phials filled with all sorts of elements and compounds; quick-silver, nitro-glycerine, polonium, etc. a spell book made entirely from tin it is resistant to temperature and pH damage (and obviously also poison it’s a book).

Your spell book is filled with:

The periodic table, reactivity series, chemical equations, notes on the physical properties of countless obscure compounds.

Peasants don’t like your lot because:

You keep blowing things up and making needlessly awful poisons.



You have immunity to damage from one of the following sources: temperature, pH (acidity/alkalinity), or poison. Your equipment does not gain immunity only your person.


You are extra vulnerable to the other two sources of damage; you take double damage from them.



1 you may spend an hour to switch what damage type you are immune to, and vulnerable to.

2 poke, scratch and sniff a non-biological substance to find out what elements and compounds it is composed of.

3 given access to a chemistry set you can easily create poisons in any phase of matter (I don’t know what a plasma poison would look like, but a chemistry wizard does).



1 Control [phase] matter

When preparing this spell choose a phase of matter; solid, liquid, gas or plasma.

Control solid matter
R: 50’ must be contiguous with a piece of the same solid you are touching
T: solid matter of the same non biological material
D: concentration
you can move and reshape an amount of a single solid material you touch or fling it to deal [sum] damage to anyone it hits. At one [die] you can control a handful of material. At two [die] you can control a buckets worth of material. At three [die] you can control a barrels worth of material. At four [die] you can control a tuns worth of material.
you could sculpt objects out of stone, bury something (or someone), or fling a rock really hard.

Control liquid matter
R: 50’ must be contiguous with an amount of the same liquid you are touching
T: liquid matter of the same non biological material
D: concentration
you can generate currents in, shape or move a quantity of a single liquid substance you are touching. At one [die] you can control a buckets worth of liquid. At two [die] you can control a barrels worth of liquid. At three [die] you can tuns worth of liquid. At four [die] you can control a shipping containers worth of liquid.
you could push someone through the water or pull them under, create waves a flood or a whirlpool.

Control gaseous matter
R: 50’ must be contiguous with an amount of the same gas you are touching
T: gaseous matter of the same non biological material
D: concentration
you can generate air currents, or partial vacuums. At one [die] you can control a buckets worth of gas. At two [die] you can control a barrels worth of gas. At three [die] you can control a tuns worth of gas. At four [die] you can control a shipping containers worth of gas.
you can create a strong breeze to dissipate fog, designate an area to become a vacuum, or create a whirlwind.

Control plasma matter
R: 50’ must be contiguous with a piece of the same plasma you are touching
T: plasma matter of the same non biological material
D: concentration
you can shape, move, intensify and fling fire. you should probably set temperature as your damage immunity. At one [die] you can control a torches worth of plasma. At two [die] you can control a campfires worth. At three [die] you can control a persons worth of plasma. At four [die] you can control burning huts worth of plasma.
you can create a pathway through a fire, spread a fire to something else, or throw a firebolt.

 2 meld

R: touch
T: two non-biological substances or objects
D: permanent

You fuse two objects or substances together. They could joined similar to welding, gilding or alloying.

3 extract substance

R: touch
T: a non-biological object
D: 0

You extract all of [dice] given substances present in a target object out of it. E.g. you could remove all salt from a barrel of sea water.

4 Combust

R: touch
T: a non-biological object that can oxidise
D: [sum]*3 seconds

The temperature of combustion in an object you touch is lowered to 1 kelvin so that it spontaneously erupts into flames. The fire cannot be extinguished for [sum]*3 seconds while here is access to any oxidising agent (even water can act as an oxidising agent). The fire otherwise acts as normal. After [sum]*3 seconds the temperature of combustion returns to normal though the material does not immediately cool down. Iron rusts when oxidised.  

5 Alter pH

R: touch
T: [dice] 5’ cubes of a non-biological substance

D: [sum] hours

Cause a substance to become acidic, neutral or alkaline. Very acidic substances deal 1d6 acid damage, very alkali substances deal 1d6 alkali damage.

6 isotope dating

R: touch
T: object
D: 0

You examine the isotopes in an object (typically carbon isotopes) and learn how old it is.

7 alter viscosity

R: 50’ must be contiguous with an amount of the same fluid you are touching
T: [dice] 10’ cubes of a fluid
D: concentration
you cause a fluid to become temporarily more viscous making it honey like, or less viscous making it air like. Does not affect buoyancy. This can be used to prevent people swimming but not necessarily floating, it can also be used to make birds or parachuters fall from the sky but not balloons.  

8 alter surface tension

R: touch
T: A circular area on the surface of a body of liquid, 30’ in radius centred on you.
D: concentration

You can change the surface tension of a body of liquid making it possible to walk across it as if it was a water bed. A water surface is treated as difficult terrain.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZZBq14BeoI (video of a water bed)

9 alter solid

R: touch
T: [dice] 5’ cubes of a non-biological solid
D: [sum] days

You are able to alter [dice] properties of a solid. Properties you may change are: hardness/softness, ductility, plasticity/elasticity, toughness/brittleness, stiffness/flexibility. If you invest four [die] the changes are permanent until the substance undergoes a phase change.

10 alter optics

R: touch
T: [dice] 5’ cubes of a non-biological substance
D: [sum] days

You are able to alter [dice] optical properties of a substance. You may make the substance more opaque/transparent , or more/less reflective. You may also make the object selectively transparent or reflective to a certain wavelength of light to change its colour or tern it into a colour filter. You may also add, alter or remove an optical effect such as: iridescence, fluorescence, Phosphorescence, polarization, pleochroism, chatoyancy, aventurescence (glittery-ness).

11 phase shift

R: touch
T: [dice] 5’ cubes of a non-biological substance
D: [sum] hours

You cause target substance you touch to become a solid a liquid, a gas or a plasma. Its temperature and buoyancy remain unaltered. If you invest four [die] the phase change is permanent and cannot be changed by non-magical means, its temperature may be changed as normal.

12 thermal alteration

R: touch
T: [dice] 5’ cubes of a substance
D: [sum] hours

Heat or cool an object or substance, contact with the substance can cause up to [dice]d6 fire or cold damage respectively. Alternatively, you can maintain a specific temperature even as it is heated or cooled by its environment. This does not cause the targeted substance to change phase, you may have a burning hot icicle if you desire. If you invest four [die] the temperature change is permanent and cannot be changed by non-magical means.  



1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24 hours

2. Take 1d6 damage

3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then make a save. Permanent if you fail.

4. Agony for 1d6 rounds

5. you lose your immunity for 1d6 rounds

6. Bursts of 2d6 fires, fly to random flammable targets in 50', 1d6 rounds. 


Doom of the chemistry wizard:

1. anything corrodible that you touch dissolves as if by an acid or alkali for the next 1d6 days

2. you have heavy metal poisoning and will die in 2d6 weeks unless you receive expert treatment. Poison immunity will temporarily alleviate your symptoms and pause the count down to your demise but it will not cure you.

3. spontaneously combust. You are on fire, and nothing can put you out. Your corpse will continue to burn for 1d6 decades after your death.


Quest obtainable spell:

Nuclear transmutation:

R: R: 50’ must be visible.
T: a fist sized chunk of a purified element.
D: [sum] days

You must use at least 4 [die] to cat this spell. You can transmute one element into another. Lead can become gold. You can shift an element up to 4 squares on the periodic table. If you do this it sets off a miniature nuclear explosion with radius [sum]*[sum]’ centred on the element being transmuted. The explosion deals [sum]*4 damage. There is a very real chance that you will kill yourself if you use this.




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